Introducing “Build, Grow and Sell,” A Fresh Look at Affiliated Arrangements

November 16, 2023

We’ve been talking a lot lately about building affiliated arrangements, and that’s, in large part, because everyone’s doing the same. And we’ve also mentioned that our own Aaron Davis and Mike LaRosa have been asked by quite a few trade associations and publications to discuss the matter at length. It’s humbling! We’d also be lying if we didn’t share that our brand has been fielding a ton of inquiries: “Should I build an ABA? How do I get started?”

So much to be covered about ABAs and partnerships

Although there’s a lot of good information out there, and most of the recent conferences and webinars have devoted a lot of time to the topic, there’s just so much to cover. An hour (or two) just doesn’t get it done. That’s why we’ve introduced a new video series: “Build, Grow and Sell: How to Build the Best Title Ops, Including ABAs, From the Ground Up.”

Naturally, Mike and Aaron  will be leading the discussion. And we’ve broken the conversation up into short 10 to 15 minute subtopics. Our hope is to cover a wide range of questions and subject matter – related to building title operations – so that we can cover the things you want to hear about.

It’s as much about operations as it is compliance

While much ABA related content sticks to the compliance elements, which are necessary, we’re going to try to dive more into the operational aspects. What will my costs look like? With whom should I partner?

Yes, we’ll also handle some compliance topics as well. And we may bring some familiar guests in along the way, too. But we think the subject of building ABAs is too broad for a one hour webinar. Hopefully, you’ll find this to be a useful resource as we develop it.

Oh, and, by the way…while “Affiliated Arrangements” might have been the phrase that caught your attention, Mike and Aaron feel very strongly that ABAs are NOT the only way a REALTOR or lender or builder can capture title revenue. Nor are ABAs the only ways title agencies seeking to grow geographic footprint can enter new markets without building a brick-and-mortar operation on their own. In fact, they spend a fair amount of time showing clients other, more profitable and sustainable options that are anything but affiliated arrangements. That’s the stuff we’ll try to cover on “Build, Grow and Sell.”

Our first three installments can be found here, here and here!

And if you have a question or topic for us, don’t hesitate. Reach out and let us know. You never know. You could well find yourself joining us as a guest panelists one of these days, too!


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